Youth led Mission Project
Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue Supplies Drive
Drop off in the Lower Commons by March 16, 2025

Amazon Wish List
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River Road Youth would like your help supporting the Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue (AGPR). Youth enjoyed supporting this organization last year with your help and are seeking to do it again. Youth visited the organization last year a couple of times and loved our time out there. The dogs are so beautiful and the Rescue does a fantastic job taking care of these sweet animals.  The AGPR is a non-profit, volunteer organization who reduces, creates, and re-homes Grey Pyrenees in the Virginia and Maryland area.

This organization needs help with resources and funds to help re-home and take care of dogs in need. Many of these dogs are strays or come from difficult home situations. “We are passionate about this mission because of the youth that have served alongside this organization. We as a church feel it’s our duty to help all creatures and people in need.”

Please consider purchasing from the list of needed items and/or donating funds to help the AGPR continue their operations.


  • Collect at least 30 items from the wishlist
  • Collect $1,000 to be donated to AGPR

Drop Off:

Please bring your items to RRCB and put them in the DOG CRATE in the Lower Commons by March 16, 2025. The youth will deliver the items to AGPR. Monetary donations can be made online—select Youth-led Missions from the drop down.