Congregational Care

A Ministry of Care

As a family of faith, one of the most important and meaningful things we do is care for one another as we journey through life’s joys and sorrows.

Together with our ministerial staff, others are called from the congregation to serve and care for us on our faith journey, to walk alongside us to encourage, bless, heal, and offer hope.

As deacons, as Stephen Ministers, and as a church family, we are called to support and care for one another. We do so with God’s help.

Deacon Care

Deacons are men and women called to serve as spiritual leaders of the church. The call to deacon service is an honor.

Once ordained, deacons typically serve actively in three-year terms, up to two terms consecutively, to:

  • Serve the Lord with a generous spirit, willingly contributing time and talents in support of Christ’s kingdom.
  • Provide leadership in worship.
  • Support the care and fellowship of the church family.
  • Extend Christ’s love to the community, both in and outside the church walls.

Extending Care Through Care Groups

Deacons help to nurture our church fellowship through a ministry of outreach and care to an assigned small group of church members, offering help and support when needed, and providing a connection to the church family. Each member of the congregation is assigned to a deacon care group.

Calling Us Together in Worship

In worship, deacons share in serving the elements of the Lord’s Supper (communion), collecting the offering, and welcoming members and visitors alike as we gather to worship. Deacon teams also encourage us in fellowship in numerous ways, including by joining other boards, committees, and groups to host informal receptions after worship throughout the year.

If you would like to contact the Board of Deacons, please feel welcome to do so at

Stephen Ministry

The Stephen Ministry exists to provide a caring Christian relationship between well-trained volunteer caregivers and individuals who are experiencing challenges or difficulties.

The Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry of love and commitment. If you are in need of a Stephen Minister or would like to become a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office.

A Stephen Minister is someone who cares, listens, shares, and supports and who commits to providing strictly confidential and distinctively Christian care. Each minister receives 50 hours of initial formal training, and receives ongoing supervision and training.

Stephen Ministers are also known as the “after people,” meaning that Stephen Ministers stand ready to come alongside you, your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives, and provide comfort and support for as long “after” as it is needed.

Stephen Ministers are there:

  • After you’ve washed and returned the last casserole dish.
  • After the divorce papers have been served and the bottom falls out of your life.
  • After the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems incredibly empty.
  • After you arrive home following the funeral service and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
  • After the relationship has ended, but the wounds are still bleeding.
  • After the miscarriage loss and a deep sense of helplessness presides.
  • After the doctors have said, “There’s nothing more we can do.”
  • After the door has slammed shut—for the very last time.
  • After the phone call you’d always hoped you’d never get.
  • After you realize the hands on the gold watch you received at your retirement party move more slowly than you ever imagined.
  • After the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
  • After the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
  • After the baby has arrived, putting more demands on you than you ever dreamed possible.
  • After you find the pink slip inserted with what is now your final paycheck.
  • After your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.

Pastoral Care Support

Members of our church family, including our lay leader caregivers, are guided in caring for and supporting each other by the pastoral staff.

Our Minister of Pastoral Care is available to help and can be reached through the church office.

We also are fortunate to have a valuable resource of pastoral care writings and guidelines available, a gift of retired Minister of Pastoral Care, the Rev. Dr. Daniel G. Bagby.

Dan has made available his most requested handouts on providing care to one another, developed over his distinguished career as a pastor and educator. Including such topics as Visiting an Ill Church Member and Caring for Children in Grief, this guide is a practical resource in offering care to one another. You may download this resource here.

Quick Links

A Ministry of Care by Dan Bagby

Pastoral Care Guidance for Deacons, Stephen Minsters, and the Congregation of River Road Church, Baptist

Contact the Church Office

We’re available to help

Rev. Dr. David Breckenridge

Minister of Pastoral Care

Rev. Dr. David Breckenridge

David joined the staff of River Road in April 2019 as the Minister of Pastoral Care. He is a graduate of Mississippi College (BA), the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University (DMin), and the College of William and Mary (MEd). David is also a Resident in Counseling with Westhampton Family Psychologists.

Email David