Music & Choirs

Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of River Road Church is all-encompassing—we welcome persons of all ages and abilities to participate in our choirs, and we embrace a wide variety of musical styles.
The music we offer in worship is rooted in the classical tradition and mindful of music by contemporary composers, African-American spirituals, the liturgical seasons with their associated Scripture readings, as well as social concerns and world events.
Dr. Robert P. Gallagher joined the church staff as Minister of Music in August 2011 and continues to develop the unique and thoughtful music vision of River Road Church.
To learn more about participation in any musical ensemble, or to learn more about our musical tradition at River Road, please contact Dr. Gallagher.
Adult Choirs

The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir consists of 45 to 50 adult singers (college age and older).
Most have musical backgrounds, and many gravitate to River Road Church because of our (wide) variety of musical styles and rich tradition of singing. Musical training, while helpful, is not a prerequisite—a desire to sing together and a commitment to the group and the rehearsal schedule are much more important!
If you are interested in singing with the Chancel Choir but are unable to commit year-round, we also have a Summer Choir (July through Labor Day) for adults, youth, and children. A simple anthem is selected, and warm-up begins Sunday at 10:30 a.m. If you are interested, please click the Contact Dr. Gallagher button above.
Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights. Check the church calendar for the next rehearsal.

Chancel Bell Choir
This choir is directed by Charles Todd, whose enthusiasm for handbells and their music is a source of inspiration for all the ringers!
Bell Choir rehearses on Sundays. Check the church calendar for the next rehearsal.

Choral Scholars at River Road Church
The River Road Church Choral Scholars program offers choral scholar positions to Richmond-area college students for the academic year.
The positions provide a stipend and allow students the experience of singing with an accomplished church choir, hopefully fostering a lifelong involvement with church music. Choral Scholars are welcome to be involved in the ministry of the church, enjoying the support of a “home away from home” church family.
Participants are asked to attend a weekly rehearsal, Sunday morning worship (including warm-up), plus a Saturday retreat in the Fall and Spring. Scholars are also offered the opportunity to sing two seasonal concerts in December and June. An additional stipend is provided as these are typically outside the academic calendar.
An audition appointment will be made with each applicant. Audition requirements include sight reading and aural evaluation. For more information and to apply, please click the Contact Dr. Gallagher button above to send a message.
Youth & Children’s Choirs

Youth Choir
The Youth Choir invites teenagers who are interested in learning a wide variety of sacred music and singing for worship several times a year.
Rehearsals provide a fun combination of singing, learning, and lots of laughter!
Youth Choir rehearses on Sundays. Check the church calendar for the next rehearsal.

River Road Camerata
The River Road Camerata invites young singers (2nd through 12th grade) who are willing to learn challenging choral music.
Through the years, they have sung regularly for worship and in several concerts. Participation is by audition or invitation, and the learning is complemented by Voice for Life, a program of the Royal School of Church Music.
Camerata rehearses on Sundays. Check the church calendar for the next rehearsal.

Children’s Choirs
Our Carol (pre-k through 1st grade) and Jubilate (2nd through 5th grade) Choirs invite children interested in learning to sing and develop an awareness of music.
The leaders of these choirs are trained musicians with knowledge of age-appropriate learning methods. Above all, they know how to make music education fun for children!
Children’s Choirs rehearse on Sundays. Check the church calendar for the next rehearsal.
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E. Carl Freeman Concert Series
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Musical Instruments
Discover our sanctuary, organs, and pianos
Worship Style
Read about RRCB’s worship style