Youth Ministry


Middle School through High School

The youth ministry at River Road Church, Baptist is an open community in which middle and high schoolers can build meaningful relationships, engage in thought provoking worship and Bible study, learn tools for personal spiritual formation, and serve others. 

Sunday Opportunities

Sunday School
TFC & Youth Group
Youth Sunday

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings, students gather in the youth area for fellowship at 9:45 a.m., followed by Sunday school from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m.

This is a time for youth to interact with their peers through discussion and Bible study.

Thoughtful Faith Community & Youth Group

River Road Camerata and Youth Choir

The Youth Choir practices each Sunday and sings in Sunday worship periodically. The choir is led by our Minister of Music, Dr. Bob Gallagher.

TFC Community Supper

Everyone (kids, teens, adults) eat together in the Fellowship Hall. There are tables designated for youth for them to fellowship together. Supper is $10/person. However, there is a snack supper option that is $6 for youth and children.

Youth Group

During this time, Marnie Fisher-Ingram, Associate Pastor to Youth and Their Families, leads Bible studies, discussions, and fellowship activities, utilizing both small group interaction and large group discussions.

Youth Sunday

Every spring, the youth design and lead one Sunday of worship.

Each youth has a job, from preaching to reading scripture to being a deacon. The youth choir also leads the congregation in music, and some youth sing or play an instrument.

Other Opportunities

Youth Leadership
Inquirers’ Class

Youth Leadership

Our youth serve as acolytes in our regular Sunday worship services, providing leadership to our services through the lighting and extinguishing of altar candles, participation in communion, and leading the processionals and recessionals.

Our youth also have opportunities to provide leadership working with children—WorshipCare, Vacation Bible School, and Trunk or Treat.


Every summer, the youth give a week to serve a community in need.

They have traveled as far as Maine but have also stayed close to home doing work in the church and surrounding Richmond community. During the school year, youth assist in local missions like CARITAS and Rise Against Hunger.


In the fall and spring, the youth go on weekend-long retreats during which they participate in small group discussions, large group devotions, and worship.

They also play games! The retreats give students a chance to breathe and rest from the pressures of daily life and seek a closer relationship with God.


Our youth have been taking part in PASSPORT camps since its inception in 1992.

PASSPORT camps take place every summer in towns up and down the East Coast. At PASSPORT, youth explore their faith with other campers from around the United States through bible study, group activities, and missions. Many of our youth love camp because it helps them draw closer to God and renew their spiritual lives.

Inquirers’ Class

Interested in learning more about the basics of the Christian faith and what it means to be a member of the Church?

Once a year we offer an Inquirers’ class for students who are considering baptism or who have already been baptized, but would like a “refresher course” in the foundations of their faith journey.

The class includes small group discussions about the life of Christ, faith, church membership, baptism, communion, and spiritual growth. It is designed to provide students further opportunity to deepen their relationship with Christ and the church universal.

Quick Links

Youth Choir

Learn more about our Youth Choir

Worship Style

Read about RRCB’s worship style

Recent Announcements

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Rev. Marnie Fisher-Ingram

Associate Pastor to Youth and Their Families

Rev. Marnie Fisher-Ingram

Marnie was called as Associate Pastor to Youth and Their Families in January 2018. She is a graduate of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (BTSR) and received her undergraduate degree from Georgetown College in Kentucky. Marnie joined the staff of River Road after serving 11 and a half years with PASSPORT, Inc. in Birmingham, Alabama, as Youth Program Coordinator.

Email Marnie