November 11, 2024
Dear River Road Church Family,
In the summer of 2011, I had the honor of being called to River Road Church to serve as Minister of Music. During the past thirteen years, it has been a privilege to be engaged in music ministry here with so many supportive and thoughtful people. As I approach the age of 65 next June, it will be an appropriate time to begin a new chapter in life, one that will give Louise and me greater flexibility to spend time with family and friends. The birth of our first grandchild this year was certainly a joyous new motivating factor! Therefore, I want to let you know of my intention to retire from ministry at River Road Church in July of 2025.
Although a seven-month notice on retirement might seem excessive, I desire to announce my retirement far in advance so that our church might engage in a meaningful period of discernment without a lengthy interim period between ministers. Moreover, I want to give you as much time as you need to prepare for my successor.
My service at River Road has been the high point in my fifty years of music ministry. The choirs, the staff, and members of the congregation have been a true joy to work with, and I hope that our music has had a positive effect on the life of the church and the community. I am excited about the continuation of my final season with you, and, in retirement, I will look forward to lasting friendships with you. In the meantime, may we all flourish as we work together in the making of music, the worship of God, and service to this world!