

Christian Stewardship is about how we as followers of Christ wisely use our money (the money that has been entrusted to our care) to live in the manner in which Jesus taught us, to bless others in his name, and to participate in Christ’s holy work here on earth.

While stewardship is fundamentally about money, at the same time, however, it is about so much more.

Stewardship is about recognizing that everything we have—our time, our talents and giftedness, our money, our relationships, even the Earth we inhabit—is a gift from God that we are called to care for, protect, and share with others.

One of the main ways we can steward our resources is by sharing them with the church. This includes making a pledge to the church budget, giving regularly through church offerings, giving of our time and presence as we worship and serve, and using our talents to build up River Road Church. The Church is the Body of Christ, and it is through the church that we offer hope to this world, and bring Christ’s Kingdom to earth.

Growing Generosity

Thankful for Meaningful Ministry

Pledge Goal: $1,400,000

The Stewardship Committee is delighted to announce the theme and goal for our congregation’s fall campaign: Growing Generosity: Thankful for Meaningful Ministry, with a goal of $1,400,000.

With the change to ‘meaningful ministry’ the committee hopes to focus on a simple truth: As a congregation, what we are about is truly and profoundly meaningful: it matters—to us, others and God; it is consequential and important; it touches the deep places of the heart. We are doing our part to make the world a better place.

All of us have stories about how our church’s ministry and work has made a difference in our lives and in the circumstances of others. As we move through the fall campaign we want to celebrate meaningful ministry which blesses each of us, and many others.

Thanks for all you are doing to make us a better and stronger congregation.

Commitment Sunday
Generosity Moments
From the Stewardship Committee
From Our Pastor

Commitment Sunday

Sunday, October 27, 2024

River Road Church, Baptist has a long and strong tradition of pledging support for the church’s operating budget. In 2024, 217 individuals and/or families pledged toward the church’s operating budget. Through August, those who pledged last fall have collectively given $877,039: that is about 88% of the church’s income from individual donors.

This significant pledging effort has a number of advantages:
  • It encourages individuals and/or families to establish personal giving goals.
  • It is an essential part of the budget preparation process: the budget is created after individuals and/or families indicate how much they will give in the coming year. The more we pledge, the more we can budget to support and grow our congregation’s ministries.
  • Pledges give the ministries of the church confidence budgeted funds will in fact be there to support the planning efforts of the congregation’s ministries.
  • Pledges provide critical information about the church’s cash flow expectations, insuring the smooth financial operation of the church.

As beloved community, we long to grow and expand what we do as a congregation for the larger Kingdom. When we grow our pledges, we grow the church’s budget and our congregation’s ability to make a greater difference in a needy world.

Letter from the Stewardship Committee

Thank you for being involved in the beloved community of River Road and the meaningful work we do for the Kingdom. This fall’s Stewardship Campaign’s theme is Growing Generosity: Thankful for Meaningful Ministry. With the emphasis on ‘Meaningful Ministry,’ the committee hopes we can focus on a simple truth: As a congregation, what we are about is truly and
profoundly meaningful; it matters– to us, others, and God; it is consequential and important; it touches the deep places of the heart. We are doing our part to make the world a better place.

Thanks for all you do,

Ron Crawford and the Generosity Team (Stewardship Committee)

Letter from the Pastor

This past Sunday, October 27, 2024, was Commitment Sunday. As always, that Sunday is a highlight for us at River Road Church, for it expresses our excitement and joy in pledging to give to the good work that God is doing in and through us as a church family. This year’s Stewardship theme, Growing Generosity: Thankful for Meaningful Ministry, communicates that the work we do together, the ministry to which God calls us, is truly meaningful work. In support of this work, 128 commitment cards were received, pledging toward the 2025 Church Budget. We are incredibly grateful for this outpouring of support for our church.

I respectfully request that you return your commitment card to the church in the next few weeks, either by bringing it to church with you and placing it in the offering plate or in the steeple replica in the narthex, mailing it to the church office, or securely filling out a commitment online at I ask that you do so by Thanksgiving, as we want to provide the Budget Committee with plenty of time to put together the 2025 Church Budget.

River Road Church has always been built on Meaningful Ministry. Your generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure will ensure we carry forward in that rich tradition. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!


Daniel Glaze, Pastor