Easter Offering for CBF Global Missions: Equipping with Every Good Thing
RRCB Offering Collection Goal: $10,000

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River Road Church is a member of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), an organization committed to congregational partnerships, mission service and advocacy, theological education, and affirmation of women in ministry. We work together to spread the hope of Christ. Our support of the CBF Offering for Global Missions is vital in sharing the Good News in word and deed with the people most marginalized by the world.

The long-term presence of CBF field personnel, or missionaries, ministering in 18 countries around the world has never been more important as they work alongside the Global Church equipping believers and communities. God wants people to be whole. God equips and completes with every good thing. Through the incomparable work of Jesus Christ, God is at work forming in us the characteristics that please God. Equipped, the church is able to do God’s will in a broken world, a world in need of The Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. As the Global Church answers God’s call to equip and encourage, God is glorified forever and always.

Pray for the missionaries, for the people and places otherwise forgotten and forsaken, and pray for the Global Church. Designated CBF Offering for Global Missions envelopes are available in the pew racks—please write “Global Missions” in the memo/note of your check. You can also make a gift online—select “Global Missions” for the fund.



Short Documentary — Offering for Global Missions 2023-24 from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.

Check back weekly to learn more about Field Personnel Eddie Aldape (Albacete, Spain), Matt and Michelle Norman (Barcelona, Spain), and Lita and Rick Sample (San Francisco Bay Area, CA). 

Matt and Michelle Norman

Matt and Michelle Norman are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Barcelona, Spain. The southern European city of Barcelona has seen diverse growth in population, including large numbers of refugees, immigrants from around the world.

In this unique community, the Normans are engaged in ministry to assist local churches in connecting with their secular community as well as welcoming immigrants and refugees. They lead trainings for local churches, Bible studies with individuals interested in learning more about the Christian faith and assist local ministry efforts. They are also engaged in social ministry, seeking to address the felt needs of the community through various endeavors.

Elisabet’s Story — Spain (Offering for Global Missions 2023-24) from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.

Dianne and Shane McNary

Dianne and Shane McNary previously served as Field Personnel in Slovakia and Czechia for over 19 years. Dianne is now the CBF Global Missions Advocate. As an advocate for the Offering for Global Missions, she has the opportunity to invite Cooperative Baptists to partner with field personnel in their ministries as they support their presence around the globe. Her long-term service makes Dianne uniquely qualified to share about life on the field and her nursing background brings an important way of looking at situations with the ability to plan effectively and execute those plans based on the current context.

René’s Story — Slovakia (Offering for Global Missions 2023-24) from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.

Lita and Rick Sample

Lita and Rick Sample are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving with the international and refugee community in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, being the presence of Christ through relationship building, church starting, evangelism and outreach. In the East Bay, where Lita and Rick primarily focus their work, they seek to minister holistically to the international community, including immigrants and refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, India and Turkey.

Zar Blue Paw’s Story — California (Offering for Global Missions 2023-24) from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.

Eddie and Macarena Aldape

Eddie and Macarena Aldape are ministering to immigrants and students in Albacete, Spain. They launched Centro de Esperanza (The Hope Center) to assist immigrants through the registration processes language acquisition, culture simulation and directing them to local organizations that can meet their immediate needs. Centro de Esperanza is a place where these newly-arrived immigrants can encounter the love of Christ and renew hope.

Marek’s Story — Slovakia (Offering for Global Missions 2023-24) from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.