Adult Ministry

Discipleship is a journey that is not static but ever-evolving.
As those seeking to walk with God, in a relationship with Christ, it is important that there are educational opportunities for growth, support, enlightenment, and challenge.
We do this with communal and personal educational offerings, whether it be a Sunday morning study group in our Sunday School hour, our Sunday evening Thoughtful Faith Community (TFC) programming, provided devotional materials, small group gatherings, or special events such as retreats, Theology on Tap, or our Distinguished Speaker Forum.
At RRCB, we value the pursuit of greater knowledge, wisdom, and deeper relationship with the Creator.
Sunday School
Several Adult Sunday School classes meet Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Some classes use the Formations literature to explore Bible texts, while others use “Nurturing Faith” from Baptists Today and its contemporary electronic curriculum FaithElement, an innovative online Bible study and discipleship program created by FaithLab; these curriculum are linked to the Revised Common Lectionary texts for each Sunday. Some classes explore books together on occasion, and others focus on current events and how faith can inform our responses to them.

Adult Sunday School includes the following classes:
Discovery Class
Discovery Class, made up of adults generally in their 30s and 40s, is an interactive, lively discussion group that considers faith and life in the “real world.”
Discovery Class
Discovery Class, made up of adults generally in their 30s and 40s, is an interactive, lively discussion group that considers faith and life in the “real world.” The class is facilitated by Bill and Marge Rusher, who use books and topical lessons to create great discussion about faith.
Faith Walk Class
Faith Walk Class is made up of adults generally ages 60 and up, but all ages are welcome.
Faith Walk Class
Faith Walk Class is made up of adults generally ages 60 and up, but all ages are welcome. Round-table discussion on topics of mutual interest guide our paths as we walk in faith through our daily lives. This class meets in person and via Zoom.
New Horizons Class
New Horizons Class is a group of single and married adults, ranging in age from the 60s and older, but all ages are welcome.
New Horizons Class
New Horizons Class is a group of single and married adults, ranging in age from the 60s and older, but all ages are welcome. The curriculum is lectionary based and discussion is led by class members or by outside speakers.
Shepherd-Holland Bible Study Class
Shepherd-Holland Bible Study Class is an intergenerational group of adults that enjoys stimulating, in-depth lessons that evoke discussion and reflection.
Shepherd-Holland Bible Study Class
Shepherd-Holland Bible Study Class is an intergenerational group of adults that enjoys stimulating, in-depth lessons that evoke discussion and reflection. This class meets in person and via Zoom.
Friendship Class
Friendship Class is a lecture-based class with a 30-minute lesson.
Friendship Class
Friendship Class is a lecture-based class with a 30-minute lesson. Composed of a diverse group, class is led with teachers who are part of the class membership. Leading the class in study on a rotating schedule are: Emily Tuck, Dr. Fred Anderson, Rev. Dr. Bert Browning, Rev. Dr. Mike Clingenpeel, Rev. Dr. Tim Norman, and Rev. Dr. Dan Bagby. The class meets in person and via Zoom.
Life Class
Life Class is a fellowship that seeks to discover Bible truths to help with practical matters in daily living, exploring a variety of literature resources, book studies, video series, and small group discussion material.
Life Class
Life Class is a fellowship that seeks to discover Bible truths to help with practical matters in daily living, exploring a variety of literature resources, book studies, video series, and small group discussion material. The class meets in person and via Zoom.
Robert Smart Class
Robert Smart Class is attended by adults ages 35 to 55.
Robert Smart Class
Robert Smart Class is attended by adults ages 35 to 55. Lessons are typically on the lectionary readings for that week or on other topical subjects and books. Fellowship begins at 9:50 a.m., and the lesson begins at 10 a.m.
Thoughtful Faith Community
Thoughtful Faith Community (TFC) is a time for children, youth, and adults of all ages to come together for fellowship and education.
This Week’s Programming
February 16, 2025 — Thoughtful Faith Community
Thoughtful Faith Community Sunday, February 16, 20254:00-7:00 p.m. This week we will continue a four-week study of Adam Hamilton’s Wrestling With Doubt. Session 1: Introduction & Is there a God? led by Scott Leake & Cara Bowen (1/26/25) Session 2: Are All Non-Christians Going to Hell? And Is Heaven Real? led by Ed Pruden and Matt Rooney (2/2/25) Session 3: When...
4:00-4:35 p.m: River Road Camerata
4:35-5:15 p.m.: Youth Choir (6th-12th grades)
4:45-5:15 p.m.: Jubilate Choir (2nd-5th grades) and Carol Choir (age 4-1st grade)
5:00-6:00 p.m.: Community Meal and Chancel Ringers Rehearsal
5:45-7:00 p.m.: Youth Group and Children’s Rec & Missions
6:00-7:00 p.m.: Program

Small Groups
While our congregation is large and our worship style formal, the warmth and friendliness of our members are apparent as you become involved in our small groups.
View our church calendar to see when the next session is scheduled.
The FIXERS group is dedicated to keeping our beautiful church facility in top working order by performing light maintenance. The group meets twice a month for a light breakfast and fellowship that lasts about thirty minutes. Then, for two or three hours the group tackles an assortment of tasks, some easy and some not quite so easy. If you have any level of handyman ability, you are welcome to join in on the fun! Contact Rev. Daniel Ingram, Minister of Administration, to volunteer.
Women’s Bible Study: Joyful Hearts
Joyful Hearts is a Bible study and fellowship designed for women of all ages that meets for multi-week sessions. This group is open to all women—members, friends, and community. The class rotates class leaders and devotions.
Hatha Yoga is a gentle form of stretching exercise that offers many health advantages. There is a $10 fee for each class. Beginners and newcomers are welcome.
Book Lovers
Book Lovers is designed for women of all ages who enjoy reading and discussing books. The group chooses a book each month, ranging from best-sellers to the classics, and a member volunteers to research the author and to moderate discussion. They meet September through May. Visitors are welcome to attend.
The FIXERS group is dedicated to keeping our beautiful church facility in top working order by performing light maintenance.
Women’s Bible Study
Joyful Hearts
Joyful Hearts is a Bible study and fellowship designed for women of all ages that meets for multi-week sessions.
Hatha Yoga is a gentle form of stretching exercise that offers many health advantages.
Book Lovers
Book Lovers is designed for women of all ages who enjoy reading and discussing books.
FLO – For Ladies Only
50+ Single Again, Just Single, and Caregivers
FLO is a widows and single women’s support group that meets monthly for lunch and other outings. For more information or to plan a FLO outing, please contact Jean Ellis.
Men’s Group: The Huddle
The Huddle is a men’s group that meets to minister to one another, learn together through book study, and hold one another accountable for their faith journeys.
WMU Connectors
River Road Church WMU is a group of women who support missions and emphasize fellowship. The group is responsible for monthly assignments from River City Faith Network to support the programs of the Richmond area Baptist Centers. Connectors also helps other mission related organizations and ministries.
Visitors and guests are always welcome to attend. For more information, contact one of the WMU Co-chairs: Peggy Pruden, Betty Damon, or Ray Nelson.
River Road Cinema Buffs
River Road Cinema Buffs (RRCB) meets monthly to discuss film they have selected and watched beforehand. Everyone is welcome to join. Bring your lawn/camp chairs. Popcorn and drinks are provided.
For Ladies Only
50+ Single Again, Just Single, and Caregivers
Men’s Group
The Huddle
The Huddle is a men’s group that meets to minister to one another, learn together through book study, and more.
WMU Connectors
River Road Church WMU is a group of women who support missions and emphasize fellowship.
River Road Cinema Buffs
River Road Cinema Buffs (RRCB) meets monthly to discuss film they have selected and watched beforehand.
Theology on Tap
Several times during the summer, at the home of a kind host from within our church, we meet to discuss a pre-determined theological topic such as what it means to be the church, what we believe about the afterlife, or if we have a role in creation care.
Topics are publicized ahead of time, folks bring their camp chairs, and we enjoy cold beverages provided by our host while we chat about the evening topic. Conversations can be funny, poignant, and deeply meaningful all at once. And, when fall rolls around and we pause, folks look forward to the following summer when they will be offered again.
Theology on Tap
Several times during the summer we meet to discuss a pre-determined theological topic.
Spiritual Formation
On the floors of several European cathedrals are drawings, now often unnoticed, that served an important function during life in the Middle Ages.
Called labyrinths, the spiraling pathways provided an opportunity for the faithful to “go on pilgrimage.” Though sometimes used as a form of penance, more generally the labyrinth served as an occasion for a walking meditation as a “pilgrim” slowly moved toward the center and then returned with a renewed sense of focus about God and the responsibility of the self in God’s world.
Our canvas labyrinth is a replica of the one originally laid in the 12th century in the floor of the Chartres Cathedral in France. River Road Church cordially invites you to experience a meditative labyrinth walk that is scheduled, typically during Holy Week and on other specific occasions, in the Fellowship Hall. Written material about the labyrinth’s history and symbolism will be available. Bring a friend or come alone. We suggest that you allow approximately 45-60 minutes for the labyrinth experience. With available resources of scripture and devotional readings, the Labyrinth is a self-guided experience.
Look for announcements regarding times when the labyrinth experience is offered.
The labyrinth encourages choices and freedom. As you walk the labyrinth you will change directions many times; as you do so, you may allow your body, heart, and mind to make changes of direction as well. You may enter the labyrinth with a question or in silence, in your heart or mind; the choice is yours. The labyrinth may be used to problem solve, relieve stress, draw closer to God, experience the holy within, or share a pilgrimage with others.
We hope that you will come, bring your friends, and enjoy this ancient practice of pilgrimage, prayer, and praise.
Recreation can be fun and games, and simultaneously refresh your spirit through nature and fellowship.
Opportunities and schedules are listed on the church calendar.
Hiking Trips
From Sunday afternoons at Maymont to day trips to Afton Mountain, throughout the year, there are many hiking opportunities.
These hikes vary in difficulty and travel time or distance. Many are family-friendly, while others are a time for a weekday break.
Softball and Basketball Teams
At RRCB we have two co-ed sports teams, softball in the spring/summer, and basketball in the winter.
These teams are made up of members and friends, and they always welcome new teammates.
Quick Links
More Details
For more details on these and to find out about other small groups and events, contact the Church Office and ask to sign up for our e-mail newsletter, the e-Spire.
Choir Opportunities
Learn more about our choir opportunities
Thoughtful Faith Community
Read about our Sunday evening activities
Events Calendar
View church calendar